Thursday, April 5, 2012

You're doing what?

Shawn and I are very excited to announce that we will be moving overseas to the United Arab Emirates for 2 years.
Yes, what you are reading is true. I have been offered a teaching position in Abu Dhabi and have accepted a two year contract! I will be teaching English, Math, and Science in English to students in the public school system through the United Arab Education Council.
The program will send me over in August of this year for training, then send Shawn over a month later. We will come home in the summer to visit, and then return home permanently in July of 2014.
That is the big question, and there isn't just one answer. Some answers include money, opportunity, calling, timing, and the chance to be a part of something bigger than myself. Let me tell you how it happened.

It began as I searched the internet for a summer job. While searching, I came across job opportunities in China. Curiosity took over, and I began to explore options. That is where I found job postings for Abu Dhabi. The first thing that caught my attention was the pay, which is amazing. As many people know, we acquired medical debt last summer, and the opportunity to get rid of that debt is definitely a perk. I figured it wouldn't hurt to fill out an application online. The next day I had a phone interview. After a two hour interview, I began to consider the timing. Shawn and I are young, with no children (except our fur babies). Many people know our struggle for children, and there is a reason why it has not worked out. With Shawn in school now, his job and education are both flexible. Also, I finished my four year obligation to the Teaching Fellows program last year, so am available to travel. The day after the phone interview I was notified I was passed through to the live interview. This left me time to think.

Besides this being an amazing opportunity to travel and see another part of the world, I also learned about why Abu Dhabi is hiring foreign teachers. The UAE is undergoing one of the largest education reforms worldwide, training local teachers while foreign teachers phase in to help. They are having core subjects taught in English, as well as introducing a more student-based learning. Here is a video about what they are doing: 
This is where I began to understand that I had the opportunity to help an entire nation change. Through my research, I became impressed with the money and effort being but into this reform. Here, I continue to watch budget cuts and education fall by the wayside, while the UAE understands the importance of education and value of teachers. I really hope that other countries will see this reform and begin to make strives in the same direction. I also hope the knowledge I gain will be helpful as I make my way back to the States.

The other biggest question I have been receiving: Is it safe? The UAE, as you can see from their education reform, is one of the most open and forward thinking countries in the Middle East. Not only do they allow practice of other religions, but they have become a mixing pot of other cultures. They are leading in technology and architecture, and continue to make great advances. Like any culture, they ask you to learn about their rich history and show respect for their culture, so if anyone needs new shorts or tank-tops I'll be getting rid of those. I am excited to learn about a new culture and way of living.

I went to the live interview in New York three weeks ago, and received the phone call yesterday with the job offer. So here I go... that's it! I am excited and nervous about this new adventure in life. I will continue to post on this blog to let the world, or at least friends, know how things are going. "Ma'a as-salaama."


  1. All new adventures start with a thought and end up taking us on to new and exciting things. How awesome! I'm so excited for you both and even though your Mom will miss you- I know she is happy for you too! Whoohoo!!!!

  2. Congratulations, Ryanne! We'll miss you at York, but I'm so happy that you're following your dream. My son has been to Dubai twice and he loved it. He's in Africa right now, but I know he'd be glad to answer any questions that he can via email or Skype.

  3. What a great opportunity. I am happy for both of you. :)

  4. What an adventure you lucky duck! : ) Enjoy traveling and the advancing the education of others!
